My journey

December 2020, my life changed forever. I contracted a severe bout of shingles and was left bed-bound and in constant pain from nerve damage. After being told by my doctors there was a 5% chance of recovery and that I should just accept where I was now, I vowed to heal myself and so began my journey. Three years later, I am healthier, happier and fitter than I have ever been, and I did this all while still recovering from chronic pain and fatigue.

I’ve lost 11kg, I run a half marathon every week, I have taken no pain medication (of any kind) for over two years, I sleep 8 hours a night and my gut is happier and healthier than ever before. I’ve healed myself beyond my wildest dreams, and this is only the beginning for me.

This is my story about how I did it.

My story in 90 seconds… ish!

My life has been an interesting series of twists and turns!  I originally was a baker, an archaeologist, a town planner and then settled on my corporate career as a strategist.  It was a very fast paced, and at times very stressful job, but it also pushed me and was a great intellectual challenge.  For many years my home life wasn’t happy and following a very distressing divorce I thought my life was finally heading in the right direction.  Sadly my body had different ideas and just when I thought I was through it all I became very, very ill.

I contracted a severe bout of shingles which then led quickly into post-viral fatigue/chronic fatigue and post-herpetic neuralgia (nerve pain).  The pain was like nothing I have ever felt before and there were times when I didn’t think I would be able to make it. I had damaged the nerves on my face, scalp, eye, ear, jaw and neck.  The damage was extensive and severe.  The viral infection left me with total brain fog and I went from someone who was very active to not being able to get out of bed and a simple task like filling the washing machine would be a 5 or 6 hour ordeal.  I was broken.

I was told by my doctors I would feel much better after a month, so I waited patiently on the couch and when the month passed I was actually worse not any better! It was clear that my doctors didn’t have any plan for me and that if I wanted to get better I was going to have to do it myself.

I believed that if you give your body the right conditions then it can do miraculous things. I sat down and looked at my life and tried to decide what was helping me heal and what was hindering me.  It was depressing to have to admit to yourself that the majority of your life wasn’t contributing to making you healthier.

I first started by making a promise to myself that I was going to do everything in my power to get better.  I hadn’t gone through my divorce and made all these positive changes to my life to spend the next 60 years of it as a vegetable on the couch.  I put everything on the table and nothing was off-limits.

I did then the only thing I knew how to do when faced with a problem, I researched it.  I read, watched YouTube videos, read medical journals and tried to understand what had broken in me to leave me like this.  This was no easy task when you have zero energy and constant brain fog, I am still not really sure how I managed.  I designed a series of protocols and set about systematically changing each piece of my life, bit by bit.  I was an experiment of one, based on the best information I could find at the time.

Almost immediately I noticed some positive improvements, and with each improvement I was able to research a bit more and further refine or expand what I was doing.  My recovery was my 100% focus each day and I set my day up to maximise it.  It was not easy to do it, it was not easy to research it and it was not easy to silence those around me that thought some of the changes I was making were very dramatic!

I returned to work after 7 months off.  I returned and did some of the best work of my career.  I was more focused and able to operate at the same high level as before.  I still kept going with my daily routine though, I still prioritised my healing and still continued to get better.  The progress slowed slightly when I had to go to work and couldn’t just focus all my attention on recovering, but I made dramatic gains after I returned.

Something in me had changed.  I now understood why only 5% of people recovered, because it’s so hard! My story of recovery isn’t unique but what is very unusual is that I started my recovery almost immediately after getting unwell.  Sadly many people spend 5 or 10 years sick before they begin to start their journey to recovery.  I just wasn’t willing to accept that at the time. 

I had all this experience, all this information and understood the journey so intimately that I felt compelled to help others go on this journey.  Coaching was the obvious fit for me to help as many people recover their lives, as I have recovered mine.  It’s my mission now to help others recover and to inspire fellow chronic sufferers that you can be healthy again.  Radical health for all.

What’s it like today?

Well firstly it’s amazing! I love my life and I’m so proud of where I have got to and I am so excited about what is yet to come.  I have healed myself more deeply and completely than I ever thought was possible, and I am not stopping here.  Given the complexity of my conditions, and their severity, I am still not 100% symptom free, 100% of the time; I still have nerve damage, especially around my eye and scalp.  It’s a journey that I am still proudly on, and I try and share that as authentically as possible on my Instagram. But the reality is, I’m no-longer life limited by fatigue or by pain and I’m searching and playing at the edges of what is possible now. I’m focused just on how healthy I can get! Bottom line is - I have my life back. If you’ve had your life taken away you will know how important that statement is.

The funny thing is, even with all that’s happened I’m actually healthier now than I was before! I respect my body and I am grateful every single day that I am where I am now. It was the hardest thing I have ever done, but it was also the most important thing I have ever done. I wake up everyday knowing that I am helping others do the same, but without the added stress and pressure of having to do it alone.

You can do it too.

Frequently asked questions

  • Absolutely not! I needed several interventions during my recovery that helped me, especially in the beginning. Functional medicine is a branch of medicine focused on the root cause, but it’s not in competition with traditional medicine.

  • What you eat is the most important, but the specific diet isn’t always critical. You can be healthy on many different diets.

  • My illnesses are no-longer life limiting to me. I don’t really like the term ‘cured’ because it’s a label. I care about the quality of my life and that’s very high.

  • When I found functional medicine it was like finding a name to what you have been practicing. The research I had done aligned completely with functional medicine and training in it has deepened my belief that it is critical to health and wellness. It was a natural fit for me, it’s based in science and it’s so applicable across the spectrum of illnesses.

  • Yes! Check out ‘Project 65’ tab on the website for details.

    I ran 35 half marathons in 35 weeks and stopped for a knee injury. Not bad for a man who was crawling on the floor 3 years before.

  • I get this a lot, my success can actually appear unattainable. Firstly, I was at zero when I started, I could hardly walk around my flat. It has been a long journey, but it has been a gradual one.

    Secondly, physically I’m not special. I haven’t won the genetic lottery and I am very average. Where I am above average is my determination, my ability to research and my consistency. But working with a health coach can help you bolster those skills.

  • Yes! I am Certified Functional Medicine Health (FMCHC) from the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy (FMCA) and UKIHCA.

    Health coaching is not a protected term, like doctor, so please be aware of who you are dealing with. The FMCA is backed by the Institute of Functional Medicine and is regarded as the highest possible coaching standard you can attain.