Specialised Chronic Fatigue & Pain Coaching

What is my approach?

My approach is to build a foundation of health so that healing can occur. Too often, we’re chasing the magic fix—whether it’s a specific diet or a new supplement. This can lead to a never-ending, expensive, and soul-destroying cycle when things don’t work out.

Instead, I look at your life as a whole. I don’t focus on just one area, because it’s rarely one thing that needs to be addressed. Usually, it’s a combination of factors. My first step is to get the basics right for you: sleep, diet, daily routine, central nervous system reset and mindset. These areas are at the core of my Balance Method, along nutrition, supplementation, movement, stress management, brain retraining, and much more! Together, they create the conditions your body needs to heal.

We use simple but powerful tools to shift your body out of fight-or-flight mode (the stress response) and into rest-and-repair mode. If you don’t make this shift, healing becomes impossible. Have you ever been doing all the “right” things but not seeing results? This is often the reason why.

I don’t focus on treating symptoms. Instead, I investigate why your body isn’t functioning properly and address the root cause. When we solve that, the symptoms resolve naturally. The root cause is different for everyone—it might be perfectionism and burnout, childhood trauma, addiction, or strained relationships. My job is to help you identify these blocks and work through them.

A big part of how this happens is identifying the key things you need to do each day to support your health. We work together to build a sustainable routine, one that allows you to consistently meet these needs without overwhelm. Consistency is key—when you start doing the right things every day, your body will reward you by decreasing symptoms and increasing energy.

It might feel hard to believe that such simple interventions can be so powerful, but everything I do is based on science and a deep understanding of how all the interconnected systems of the body work together. My methods are informed by my studies in functional medicine, and I’ve spent years researching and implementing these approaches to help myself and others recover.

How do I do it?

I developed my Balance Method, inspired by my own recovery journey, to guide this process. It’s a practical framework that focuses on identifying imbalances in your physical, mental, and emotional health and creating a personalised plan to restore harmony. It’s flexible and deeply empathetic, because I know how complex and challenging this journey can be.

I’ve lived through decades of trauma and multiple chronic illnesses, so I understand how it feels to despair that you’ll never get better. I’ve also made it to the other side, so I know recovery is possible. I don’t offer generic solutions or make outrageous claims. Recovery from a chronic illness takes months or even years, but along the way, you’ll see real improvements—like getting out of bed, walking further, returning to work, or having less pain. These quality-of-life changes are life-changing, and I can honestly say that every client I work with achieves significant progress.

When we work together, it’s 1:1 for an initial three-month period. We’ll meet virtually (via phone or Zoom) so you can conserve your energy for getting better. At the start, we meet weekly to build momentum and confidence. As you progress, sessions move to fortnightly. The focus is always on what’s best for you.

I also help you navigate the world more successfully with your condition. Chronic illness often strains relationships and impacts how you interact with the world. Part of our work is to repair and strengthen those connections, so you feel supported, understood, and able to thrive.

My skill lies in seeing how all the pieces fit together—finding what’s blocking your progress and working with you to remove it. I’m relentlessly positive, full of ideas, and I truly believe that everyone can heal when given the right conditions.

Most importantly, I do all of this with a smile. Life with a chronic illness is hard enough—let’s not make getting better an awful journey as well!


I speak to every potential 1:1 client because I want to make sure that we’re a good fit for each other and that I am 100% certain that I can help you.

You can book a free, no commitment, 30 min call with me to see if it will be a good fit and to find out more about the Programs that I offer.

I believe that true, deep healing occurs between two people and I am constantly looking for people who are willing to take that step.

Is that you?